Access for schools

Your school hasn't activated an option of accessing Levebee without logging in yet.

How to start using Levebee at your school?

Connect to your school's Wi-Fi and give us the following code by phone or email. We'll activate your account promptly.

E-mail address:
Phone number: +420 799 512 123

Is your school not using Levebee yet?

Call us or send us an e-mail and we'll assign a free testing license to your school for one month.

Does your school use Levebee?

Call us or drop us an e-mail and we will activate the option of accessing Levebee without logging in at your school.

Are you outside of the school?

If you want to use Levebee outside of your school (e.g. at home in order to get prepared for upcoming classes), create a teacher account. All you will need to log in is your e-mail and a password.